(7.0) The totality of is is an assemblage of all the various entities we shall call
things. Each thing may, in turn, also be composed other things as integral components. Yet each assemblage is a
“thing in itself”. A rock is a thing which is an assemblage of things called atoms, which are an
assemblage of things called subatomic particles, etc. Yet each assemblage with in assemblage is also a “thing in
(7.1) Humans beings are such thing which, in turn are composed of other things that are the component parts of our bodies,
which are, in turn, are composed of parts that are cells, which, in turn, are composed of parts that are cell membrane, nucleus, cytoplasm,
which in turn are composed of parts we call atoms, etc.
(7.1.1)The human body is an inseparable part of the material world. And, like a rock, it is surrounded by the
entire remainder of the material world which is their environment. At the interface of body and environment, the body is
covered by skin cells.
(7.1.2) Certain specialized cells either on the outside or within the body can sense the environment which
surrounds them. These include cells in the eyes which sense light, cells in the skin which sense touch, cells in the tongue
and which sense chemicals and cells in the ear which sense vibrations in the air. It is through these sensors that humans and
other mammals gain awareness of their objective environment when these cells send sensory data over our network of
neural cells to the brain for processing as subjective sensations.
(7.1.3) The human body is an objective entity and, as such, can subjectively sense itself just as it can objective
sense a rock.. As such, humans can have awareness of self just as it can have awareness of a rock.
The sensations that are produced in the brain, however, are all subjective creations of the brain which, in turn, give
rise to a sensation of self in the mind as nimbus.
( The nimbus of self may be stored as both subjective memory of the mind as objective physical
memory in the brain itself for later recall by the subjective mind.
( The sense of self does not exist separate from corpus but only as the phenomenon of nimbus as
the result of processes its material brain That is, self is a sensation, not to be confused with the
material corpus.
(7) The subjective effect of self is a nimbus of the subjective mind caused by the brain processing sensory data about the objective corpus of unus sensing itself with its neural network of sensory cells for light, touch, smell, taste and sound.