
(4.1) Even though our bodies are corpus composed of matter, we can never know corpus itself. We can only acquire knowledge of the presence, properties and processes of corpus through our physical senses of sight, sound, touch, taste and smell.

(4.1.1) Corpus is the medium through which we acquire all experience with reality.

(4.1.2) Corpus is the medium in which all sensations are produced.

( Corpus is the medium in which sensations of conscious and emotions are produced.

(4.1.3) Corpus is the medium though which all knowledge that we can know is acquired.

( Corpus is the medium in which all memory of knowledge that we can acquire is retained.

(4.1.4) Corpus is the medium in which all reasoning is conducted.

( Corpus is the medium in which all evaluations used in reasoning are made.

(4.1.5) Corpus is the medium from which all nimbus emerge.

(4.1.6) Corpus is not a creation of the mind, but mind is a creation of corpus.

(4.1.7) Corpus can exist without consciousness but consciousness cannot exist without corpus.

(4.1.8) The phenomena of consciousness exists entirely within corpus and is not a transcendent entity existing apart from material corpus. Consciousness cannot be kept in a bottle.

(4.1.9) Corpus exists simultaneously at all levels of matter, simultaneously atomic and subatomic.

( Corpus exists as a corporeal entity of nature in the same sense that a rock exists as an entity of nature.

( Corpus exists as a living entity of nature capable of sustenance of life through the process of reproduction.

( Corpus exists as a highly organized assemblage of atomic molecules

( Corpus existsas a highly organized assemblage of atoms.

(; Corpus exists as subatomic particles including electrons, protons, neutrons, quarks and gluons.

( Corpus exists in a sea of quantum fields in which quantum particles both emerge and disappear.


(4) Corpus is all the objective material aspect of unus, existing at all levels of materiality, in which all physical processes of materiality and in which the subjective phenomena of nimbus the mind occur. Mind cannot be persist without the material brain.
